And, as I'm sure I've left some good ones out, feel free to have a go at me in the comments.
Like many sports, football has had its fair share of crazy players through the years.
The difference between the beautiful game and other sports, however, is that people from nearly every country on earth can converge in a few regions, where they are allowed to play with abandon on a football pitch.
That is a recipe for craziness, and every league has seen enigmas whose actions defy explanation and who seem to belong in therapy, rather than on a club team.
Out of those many insane current and former individuals, here are 15 who embody the term, for one reason or another, more than the rest.
Balotelli is the undisputed King of the Crazy in football right now; the Sultan of Silliness; the Ruler of the Ridiculous.

He has done countless things both on and off the pitch to enhance his image as an insane but immensely talented striker who just can’t get out of his own way.
Incidents include: driving onto a Manchester university’s campus unannounced to hang out and use the bathroom; throwing darts at reserve team players; crashing a press conference while at Inter Milan; setting his house on fire; trying to backheel an easy goal against the LA Galaxy; getting assorted oily fish placed in the plush interior of his Bugatti; and, ironically, revealing a t-shirt that asked “Why always me?” after scoring a goal.
I don’t know exactly why, Mario. Perhaps it’s just your odd nature. But, regardless, you are, without a doubt, the craziest player in football.
was a man who never once shied away from the more dangerous parts of the regions in which he played, allegedly creating connections with the mafia in Italy, fathering an illegitimate son and using cocaine for years.
And once, while being hounded by reporters, he fired at them with a compressed air rifle in order to force them to respect his privacy.
His disciplinary record is longer than my arm and, for the act of retaliation you can see here, Keane eventually received an eight-match ban and £155,000 in fines.
While he tried to curb his irascible demeanor later in his career, he still maintained a fierce rivalry with Patrick Vieira that occasionally turned violent.
The Ivorian utility player was such an enigma that a popular chant amongst Arsenal fans when he played for the Gunners was “You’ve only come to see Eboue.” And, on certain days, he was the most interesting act on the pitch.
In every country he has played, controversy has followed him. In France, he was convicted of driving without a license, and in England he developed the rather unsavory habit of spitting in the faces of fans, opposing players and even ball boys. He has also used racist slurs against those awful kids on the touchline and gotten into his fair share of brawls.
Di CANIO However, he is also an outspoken and unapologetic fascist, and has been since childhood.

While playing for Lazio, he gave the controversial Roman salute to the clubs fans as a supposed sign of respect. When he was suspended and forced to pay a fine, he proclaimed that he will never stop making the gesture, which gives him
"a sense of belonging."
He has also declared his admiration for Benito Mussolini, and has "Il Duce" tattooed on
his right bicep.
SUAREZ While trying to get in Patrice Evra’s head during a match against Manchester United last season, Suarez used racist slurs and, while under investigation, refused to shake Evra’s hand during a subsequent match.
He doesn’t reconcile when he plays, either, as you’ll commonly see him diving in rashly and throwing himself at defenders to win balls and score goals.
CANTONA Always an outspoken and loud leader, Cantona was never content to do his talking with his play, and his short temper led to some memorable spurts of insanity.
Most notably, in 1995 Cantona responded to the jibes of a Crystal Palace supporter by doing a flying kung-fu kick into the man's chest and planting his studs into the man's skin.
One might think that Cantona would have been contrite following this incredible rush of blood to the head, but the Frenchman later said that attacking the man was
"a great feeling" and one that he is happy for fans to remember.
JOEY BARTON Over the years, the irascible Englishman has been in and out of prison for assault, and that really tells you all you need to know about how this man's mind works.
Barton will, without hesitation or provocation, plant his studs on any part of his opponents and then pick fights with them, often getting into violent altercations and getting himself sent off.
While he's tried to mellow out somewhat in recent years, his efforts have been to no avail. You simply can't take the pure, unadulterated crazy out of a man who has had it his entire life.
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